We are proud to announce that our CEO and co-founder, Dr. Beni Bichsel, has been awarded the Sigplan John C. Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award, recognizing outstanding doctoral dissertations in the area of Programming Languages.

This award is a testament to his dedication to advancing technology and his hard work, as well as the innovative spirit that drives our company. At NetFabric, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of technology, and Beni’s achievements inspire us to continue striving for excellence.

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Award Citation: Benjamin Bichsel’s dissertation makes significant contributions to the emerging domain of quantum computing, with the goal of making quantum programming easier, provably safer, and more accessible. Specifically, the thesis tackles two key challenges in quantum programming: uncomputation and simulation. The dissertation introduces a new, high-level quantum programming language called Silq as well as a new framework for quantum simulation, which uses abstract interpretation to trade off precision for efficiency. Overall, the thesis combines a deep insight into the nature of quantum computing with advanced programming language techniques, such as (linear) type systems and abstract interpretation. The work spans the entire range from theory to systems: each chapter comes with a working system and the corresponding clean mathematical proofs. Finally, the work has already had significant impact: the Silq language is being used in teaching at UCLA and in a textbook on quantum computing.

Link to thesis.